Low Back Stretch Program

The Best & Most Effective Stretch For You
Not All Back Stretches Are For Everyone
Stretch Effects that Last
Dr. Remy's Low Back Stretch Program guides you through an analysis of your back tightness and pain to choose the best, safest, and most effective stretches for your unique back condition. Discover what back, leg, shoulder and even neck stretches will free your back from tightness and pain, while avoiding injury and extending your relief time.
Learn the various types of advanced stretch methods and how to incorporate them into your favorite stretches to maximize your results in minimal time. This 207 page pdf ebook guides you through passive, active, isometric, post-isometric, contract-relax, CRAC, myofascial release, positional release, active dynamic, eccentric, vertebral lift, disc and joint mobilization stretches and more.
The easy-to-use back analysis leads you to choosing from between superficial vs. deep flexion stretches, upper vs. lower extension stretches, side bending and twisting stretches, lateral translation stretches, decompression stretches, forward head and sway back stretches, as well as how to decide if latissimus, hamstring, hip flexor, or calf stretches are indicated for your unique back issues. Additional tips on nutrition, muscle relaxation techniques, and identification of the root causes of back muscle tightness are included.
If you have ever been frustrated with back stretches that are ineffective, cause more pain, or just don't seem to give lasting results, this program and guide book is for you. Learn the secrets of safe and effective back stretches from Dr. Remy's over 30 years experience helping patients, athletes and online clients to finally discover what they were doing wrong with generic stretches, and how simple back stretching results can be once you learn exactly what your unique body needs.
Low Back Stretch - The Art and Science of Back Stretching
pdf ebook
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