Online Training and Consultations

with Dr. Remy

Having trouble getting started with your healing exercise program?

Are you unsure of your body analysis findings of your posture or body mechanics?

Wondering how to implement healing exercises for your unique condition? 

Would you like to make sure you are performing the exercises correctly, and that they are tailored just for you?

Need some new exercises, or advice for your specific issues?

Do you want to personally train with Dr. Remy from the comfort of your own home, office, or gym?

Now you have the unique opportunity in a private one-on-one setting to have Dr. Remy personally answer your questions, analyze your posture and movement mechanics, check your exercise form, and even personally train you from your home, gym or office. Consult with Dr. Remy through our new video conferencing capabilities. All you need to do is sign up for the free ZOOM video conferencing service at and then give Dr. Remy's office a call or email to schedule an appointment. Fees for video conferencing consultations and training are $75. per 15 minutes. You can schedule a 15 minute, 30 minute, 45minute, or even a 1 hour session through Dr. Remy's office or email. Examples of what can be covered in a given time frame are outlined below, but may vary depending on your unique needs. Payment is made with your credit card prior to the consultation either through phone or email.
***Please be advised that Dr. Remy or North Shore Health and Fitness, Inc. cannot diagnose your pain condition, or offer treatment for your medical diagnosis or conditions. The consultation service and personal exercise training is to improve your posture, body mechanics and neuromusculoskeletal conditioning only, and does not imply a doctor/patient relationship.

Example Consultation Time Sessions:

Body Analysis...15 Minutes
3-6 Exercises Form Checked and Corrected...15 Minutes
2-3 New Exercises Taught...15 Minutes
Initial Exercise Routine Constructed and Taught...1 Hour
Typical Personal Training Session...30 Minutes
Updated Routine Taught...30 Minutes
General questions, concerns...15-30 minutes

*Please realize that these time frames are typical, but may change according to your unique needs

Sign up for ZOOM and call or email Dr. Remy's office to set up your consultation today!

Call Dr. Remy's office for appointment: 516 676 2040

Email for appointment:

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Online Consultation Payment Links:

  *For Payments After Appointment is Booked

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Consult 225

NOTE: Clicking on these buttons will redirect you to our secure payment and distribution site If paying with Credit Card, Follow the Pay Pal Screens until the Credit Card Options Screen appears.